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Data Center Solutions

Let Us Help You Build, Expand Your Data Center as Per Your Business Needs

The ever-increasing growth of the IoT has made it quintessential for the enterprises to focus on building, enhancing and expanding their own data centers. But often companies are seen much more overwhelmed with technical details and seem to struggle with proper planning and execution. Let Apoorva IT Solutions simplify the full data center lifecycle for you.

We, at Apoorva IT Solutions, take it as our responsibility to design and develop modern data centers as per your specifications. With our highly innovative data center services and IoT-enabled infrastructure, we assure you of enhanced efficiency, and reliability.

We effectively curtail down time and complexity with our highly customized and optimized data center solutions.

We are a "one-stop shop" that delivers the largest portfolio of advanced and modernized physical infrastructure for your bespoke data centers - complete infrastructure for integrated power, power skids, cooling, and IT modules. rack, containment, integrated cooling from computer room air conditioners to chiller and economizer plants, security, and management components. And of course, along with the other additional software and services for the IT data centers.

We take a building block approach or deliver all-in-one solutions in a single enclosure. We can build from scratch or help you with increasing the capability of your existing data center infrastructure.

Our data center services include design, application and engineering support that you need for effective data center solutions.

Network and Connectivity

We also take the responsibility of complete design, implementation and management of the connectivity across your business centers or offices. Whether within offices or between offices or any third-party data center, you can trust us to design, deploy and manage all of the connectivity infrastructure that your enterprise needs to achieve operational excellence.

Modular Data Center Architecture

Gone are the days of the conventional legacy data center design and development. Enterprises now look for modular and scalable data center designs. The team of experienced data center specialists at Apoorva IT Solutions can help you with developing a modular data center architecture to increase flexibility, reduce deployment time, and improve operational efficiency. Our team can create a framework for modular data center architecture for your single business site or multiple business sites and help you understand different ways modularity can be effectively implemented for data centers.

Planning to set up your data center?

Planning to reshape your existing data center?

You can rely on us.

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